Jip Frijlink

About me

Hi there! My name is Jip, and I like to build things that solve problems.

Find me online

I have a GitHub account that can be found on github.com/jipfr. You can e-mail me at [email protected].

Featured projects

These are some of my recent projects worth showcasing. To check out all of them, click here!

I have experience with

TypeScript / JS

Level 3


Level 3

Nuxt / Vue

Level 3


Level 3


Level 3


Level 3


Level 2


Level 2

Explanation about levels

To categorise my knowledge, I have the following levels

  1. I've used this technology in the past and I'm able to figure it out from there
  2. I have written an app or website using this technology
  3. I'm confident with this technology

Selected website of the century*

Things I like

  • Svelte
  • Exploring my neighbourhood
  • Cats
  • Movies & TV shows
  • Vekllei

Things I don't like

Jip with a cat on his shoulder

* The aforementioned web experts are the 3 spiders in the corner of my room.

Aha! A fellow Arc user. I see you there...